(function(){ /** * If we have a temp variable of type function it means lodash was loaded before underscore so we need to * remove the reference to underscore from window._ by using the method .noConflict() from underscore, after * this point we need to revert back the value of window._ which was lodash. * * In the second scenario when underscore is loaded before lodash, this will not be executed as window._ * will remain as lodash. * * On a third scenario when lodash is not included this will either be executed which will allow to use * something like: window.underscore || window._ to fallback to the correct value of underscore in the plugins. */ if ( window._lodash_tmp !== false && typeof window._lodash_tmp === 'function' ) { // Remove reference to _ if is underscore window.underscore = _.noConflict(); // Restore reference to lodash if present window._ = window._lodash_tmp; } })();